We got Zeca, this Caique, when he was only 6 months old. He is the sweetest bird I have actually ever seen! The only reason we require to eliminate him is since we are moving to Brazil and they do not allow us to take him with us.
Zeca loves human contact! You need to understand that you need to play with him AT LEAST 45 min/day if you want him. He just consumes pellets and is very healthy. He is likewise potty trained! He will certainly potty wherever you tell him to, as long as you don't wait too long to take him to the respective place. I also have his DNA test proving that he is a male and his age as well.
Im asking $1,100 for the bird, his lovely and spacious cage, ALL of his toys and devices, a travel cage, and a vine wood perch. (See photos - all pictures were taken by me).
Right here are a few videos of him:
Please contact me if you are interested and if you have any questions. My e-mail is: rafael #bernardes # [e-mail removed] (remove the #s).